Prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. Magazines (yes, print lives on!) Artists’ catalogues, personal essays and articles for business; website content, technical editing — do we ever say no to a project?
Here are a few to which we’ve said “yes”:

Oprah’s Book Club Pick, Summer 2024:
Familiaris is the follow-up to the beloved #1 New York Times bestselling modern classic The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. The stirring origin story of the Sawtelle family and the remarkable dogs that carry the Sawtelle name.
Service: Developmental Editing, Line Editing
Feedback from the author: “Karen: thank you again. This feedback was amazing and timely and brilliant.”

An Oprah’s Book Cub Pick: Part mystery, part family saga and part love story, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle is an unforgettable novel about the bond between a boy and his dogs. Oprah says this book, written by first-time novelist David Wroblewski, is already a classic. “I think that this is right up there with the greatest American novels ever written,” Oprah says. “Up there with Steinbeck and even Harper Lee.”
Service: Critical Review & Analysis, Line Edit & Content Review
Feedback from the author: “Karen: I owe you a debt of gratitude for your insightful, essential, and immensely appreciated, editorial guidance…”
“Susan Straight is an essential voice in American writing and in writing of the West, and Mecca is a meaningful addition to this canon.” from Carribean Fragoza’s review in the NYT March 15, 2022
Service: Line Edit & Content Review
Feedback from the author: “Karen, you are amazing!! Thank you so much.”

The Rye Bread Marriage is a food and family memoir exploring the roots of her husband’s obsession with Latvian rye bread, his wartime childhood, and the universal complexities of marriage.
The author of four books, Michaele’s work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and scores of other print and online publications.
Service: Line Edit & Content Review
Feedback from the Author: “Karen, I love what you have done. I appreciate your attention to the flow and (I hope) beauty of the language. Your way of working is easy, by the way. And your eye is clean and true.”

“Dr. Stacie Boswell’s goal is to restore health and comfort to every horse in transition, and to help him learn how to function as the horse he is expected to be—from the Thoroughbred off the track to the grade pony from the field down the road. The Ultimate Guide for Horses in Need is a must-have book for both current rescues and those thinking of taking the leap into horse rescue.”
Service: Heavy Edit & Agent Referral
Feedback from the Author: “Yay!! Thank you so much for everything you did to help me with this lifetime project. You’re the bomb!”

Artist’s Catalogue Intro Essay
Collected Works of Patricia Aaron 2017 – 2019
Service: Original Writing, Personal Essay
Feedback from the client: “I read through your essay twice and think it’s right on the mark. I really like the flow. Thank you so much for all your work and creativity.”

Print Magazine
Horse Around New Mexico
Founder, Editor and Publisher 2013-2016

Small Business Website Content
Sandia Pet Sitters
Tech Business Website Content
Veridax – Data privacy for developers
Website Content Creation

Tech Business Website Content
Hackers Don’t Care About Your Budget Cycle
Website Content Creation