About US

Phrases: incorporated is run by Karen Lehmann— a writer, editor and marketing professional.
A graduate of Bard College, Karen lived and travelled extensively across the US and Europe before settling in the mountains of New Mexico. Since founding the business in 2007, she’s been typing madly in the service of technical writing and editing projects as well as creative ones, and providing targeted niche marketing for small businesses.
Equally adept at technical, marketing and creative writing, at Phrases we’ll adapt the style and tone of the piece to your company culture or “voice” as well as to industry standards.
One recent week’s work included: editing software documentation, re-writing a whitepaper for a leading Identity and Access Management software company, developing a website for a small business start-up, editing two chapters of a novel, ghostwriting a pet care industry blog and meeting with a creative coaching client.
We specialize in on-line collaboration, making it as easy to work together across time zones and international borders as it is to meet up at the local coffee shop. Professional and uncomplicated, clients consistently find us easy to work with— and we always, always beat the deadline.